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The Paul Mach Blog - February 2011

Living life on the edge... of the road
Photo by Heidi Swift

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February 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011 - Tech
Kindle!!! If you're a Kindle owner, it's time to rejoice, The Paul Mach Blog is now on Kindle. For a $1.99 a month, all the pictures and text you see here will be delivered to your Kindle for free!!!

I'm not exactly sure why you'd pay $1.99 to read something you can read on a smartphone for nothing. Maybe if you're overseas and don't want to pay high cellphone data fees? I don't know.

At this point you're probably asking why. Well, like a lot of the features on this site, why not? It actually wasn't that hard. I headed over to Kindle Publishing, reformatted a bit, and boom, done.

The real reason stems from something my Dad said when I was a kid laying around watching TV, "You know when you're watching TV you're paying those people. You should go do something so they'll pay you."

It took me a number of years to figure out what he actually meant, I think it was, "Instead of watching people do stuff, you should go do it yourself. You'll find it more rewarding." And that is something that has stuck with me.

So, instead of just reading other people's stuff on Kindle, I want people to be able to read my stuff too. Even if it's just on principle.

Now what happens with that $1.99? Well, I get a $1.39 after Amazon's cut. If, err, I mean when I make some money I'll donate it to a bike related charity. Because as you probably know, this blog isn't about the fortune, it's purely about the fame.

Update: Amazon sets the price and it just got dropped to 99-cents. So get it today.

Monday, February 7, 2011 - Race Reports
People always ask if the Paskenta Century is a race. Well, it's billed as a self organizing group ride held every Super Bowl Sunday in Chico. In reality it is much, much more. Carbon wheels, aero helmets, motorcycles and trophies all go to show that the folks in Chico take this event very seriously.

A couple weeks ago I texted Ian Boswell to discuss our race plan. We hashed our something fierce and last Sunday I met up with him, his brother Austin, and some friends to execute it.

Things were chill till the 4 mile gravel section. It was extra rocky this year, but still fun. It's slightly down hill and there was a tail wind, what's not to like? Well, getting a flat.

Lucky for me Austin offered his wheel. That was very nice of him. Unfortunately, as I was trying to get my self back up to the front I passed a lot of riders with similar troubles. The gravel is bitter sweet. It's what makes Paskenta cool, but it can also ruin your day if you're one of the guys that gets a flat. I've flatted 2 out of 3 years.

Fast forward 45 miles to the finish. It was me, Andres Gil and Ian, in that order. Andres complained that he didn't know where the finish line was. We tried to tell him, but short of, "Sprint now and you'll win," it's kind of hard to explain.

I complained about something similar at a Grasshopper a couple years ago. Levi gave me a blunt, "You got to know the course man." That was harsh. Or stick to races with laps I guess.

Here's a picture that Taylor Kuphaldt added to the trophy after winning in 2008.
Good times It contains all the Davis heavy hitters. Zack Wick, Chris Stastny, Judd Van Sickle and even O.M. Nils.

One last thing, on Thursday I was getting my bike tuned at VeloCity in Winters. I told Myke I'd thank him on the blog if I won. So... Thanks Myke.

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